Old SEO is dead. Kaput. Poof! That means keywords without relevance get tossed to the curb. It’s because the algorithms determining the search engine results pages have all gotten smarter.

So you need to get smarter too. You need Long Tail Pro. This post, we’re looking at Long Tail Pro, the tool that will help you research, analyze, and use long-tail keywords AKA the most relevant keywords in the SERP game.


Long Tail Pro is a tool that helps you discover “long-tail” aka SUPER RELEVANT  keywords. Use these in your content and you’ll climb the SERPs in no time. This  long-tail keyword research tool is obviously our Golden Taco, because it’s easy to use and will  help you outrank the competition. All you gotta do is enter a single seed keyword and Long Tail  Pro will spit out up to *400* long-tail keywords from Google Planner data.

All  within a few seconds. There’s even a built-in filtering feature based on average CPC bids,  search volumes, and rank value. That’s gonna come in handy if you wanna discover what’s  working for your competitors. But it’s about more than just being an SEO bulldog. Because Long Tail Pro’s rank tracker tool will help you set up an automated keyword  monitoring system.

That means you can get reports or visual graphs delivered  to your inbox daily. So sure, you can “borrow” keyword strategies. But the  best part is that you can see how YOUR OWN STRATEGY is performing in real time. And the strat doesn’t end there. Long Tail’s diagnostic tools will audit your backlinks,  monitor your entire website, and give you comprehensive reports with warning signs  and errors that you can easily fix…So your ranking can’t be tanked by technical issues.

No more missed opportunities.

No more lost backlinks…stranded somewhere on the  internet…slowly killing your conversion rates. Just the sweet, sweet feeling of SEO domination. Wish I could talk about all the ways that Long Tail Pro can help you create content  that Google will love…but I gotta jet. So click the link below to see why this  tool NEEDS to be in your SEO tech stack.

But hurry! Because this deal’s going away fast!. https://appsumo.com/products/longtailpro/