If you have been trying to get an Digital Marketing Course off the ground or if you’ve had one up and running but aren’t seeing the results you’d like, I stumbled across a program that you REALLY need to take a look at…
I will WARN you in advance – DO NOT BE PUT OFF BY THE MICHAEL JONES HYPE-MACHINE – while he is an excellent trainer and has developed an awesome CONTENT PACKED program, when you first go to the sight you may be put off all the glitz and typical digital marketing overkill. Please stick with it and look past all the attempts to reel you in that his site is loaded with. I guarantee you, this course will be WORTH IT!
Ok, so you’ve looked past all the flash and glitz and are ready to buy, what exactly will you get? Well to give you an idea, I started digging into my package about 3 weeks ago, and I’m still not quite finished with the whole thing. This is literally an Digital Marketing Business in a Box that you can also TAILOR TO YOUR SPECIFIC business. The program comes in 7 modules – each module contains a PDF of the presentation and about 10 to 20 short videos (usually about 6 to 9 minutes each) cover the ESSENTIALS of Digital Marketing.
Here are the 7 modules:
Part 1 – Online Business – Getting You Up to Speed – This is basically an introduction to the entire series of videos, but is full of valuable information that you can put to use right away. Unlike some other programs like this I have seen with just 2 or 3 very long videos, Michael breaks down each section into BITE SIZE morsels that you can use. In fact, I started jumping around to find some ideas that I could put into HEAVY ACTION IMMEDIATELY. That’s one of the great things about this series is that you can keep coming back to this program again and again to ZERO IN on exactly what you need to solve a particular challenge you may be having marketing your business on the internet.
Part 2 – Niche Selection – ok, this is the part that you may be inclined to SKIP OVER if you already have a product or service in mind for your digital marketing efforts. My advice – DON’T – it will still be valuable for you to go through the process of understanding NICHES and all the related information so you can go back and APPLY IT TO YOUR BUSINESS! You may learn just where your previous methods have gotten you off track…
Part 3 – Site Setup – So now we get into the meat of the program where you learn how to OPTIMIZE YOUR WEBSITE to attract people interested in what you have to offer! This is a very thorough section on layout and designing a website, and even though we already had a website gave us tons of great training on adjustments we needed to make to it in order to improve the site to begin to draw a LARGER AUDIENCE. Michael identifies lots of FREE tools you can use to modify and edit your existing site or how to get a nice site up quickly without knowing a lot of programing yourself. Lots of great, SIMPLE TO IMPLEMENT ideas to leverage your website for maximum exposure.
Part 4 – List Building – this was the BIGGEST MISTAKE I was making. I wasn’t capturing a list of people who were interested enough in my product to visit but weren’t quite ready to become a customer. By building a list of these folks, I can continue to provide them with information until they see the VALUE in investing in my business. As all good marketing professionals will tell you, it usually take 5-7 TOUCHES to get someone to respond to your marketing. In the online world, if you don’t at least CAPTURE THEIR EMAIL ADDRESS, you’ve probably LOST THAT PROSPECT FOREVER! Just like the other modules, this has about 20 separate mini-courses of about 6-8 minutes each touching on all aspects of BUILDING YOUR LIST!
Part 5 – Copywriting for digital marketing – Ok, this was one that was tough for me. I don’t want to spend a lot of time trying to SELL my prospects that my offering is valuable – they should see it for themselves. But what MICHAEL TAUGHT ME here is that it doesn’t take a lot of time to write COMPELLING COPY and that you need to do this for your prospects so they can see the value that you have to offer. Now if you’ve never written much in the way of Marketing before, Michael, like in the rest of the series, breaks copywriting down into lots of little BITE-SIZED MORSELS that you can put into use action away – both in your ONLINE AND OFFLINE MARKETING EFFORTS.
Part 6 – Traffic Generation – Getting people to visit your site it CRITICAL TO YOUR SUCCESS – and it’s all here in this module of 34 VIDEOS – THAT’S RIGHT MY FRIENDS – 34 VIDEOS IN THIS MODULE ALONE! Writing articles, blogging, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Search Engine traffic – it’s ALL here. And – the best part of all is a whole course on SEO – Search Engine Optimization – that’s worth 10 TIMES COST OF THE ENTIRE COURSE. I literally spent an entire week of about an hour or two a night going through and starting to implement the ideas in this module alone.
Part 7 – Becoming a Vendor – ok, so another section that you think does not apply to you because you already have a product. Well again, my advice is to go through it in great detail – I’ve already come up with a list of 6-8 new products that I can develop for my EXISTING BUSINESS as a result of what I learned here…
Well there you have it – hours upon hours of HIGH QUALITY, FIRST CLASS digital marketing course in ONE PLACE and for one low price…
This really could be 7 different courses – I’ve bought programs that had less material than most of the individual modules Michael has prepared for this program. But you get all of this for 1 low price – CURRENTLY LESS THAN $50 – I urge you to take a look at this program and see for yourself the POSITIVE IMPACT it can have on your website and other digital marketing efforts.
Take a look (past all the glitz and flash!) and see for yourself if this isn’t the best series of videos on getting up to speed and beyond for digital marketing that you have EVER SEEN.